This series of portrait photographs commemorate the fish I raised from baby fingerlings to full-grown adults. They lived in Farm Fountain, a 100 gallon aqupaonics artwork that Ken Rinaldo and I developed for growing edible fish and plants in our home. After two years of caring for the fish and eating the salad greens fertilized by the growing fish, I killed, de-scaled, gutted, cleaned, cooked and ate the fish. It was delicious, but I truly appreciate the fish counter at the grocery store now. Each time I killed a fish was horrific; slippery flopping, sharp fins poking, hammer bonking, fish muscle twitching, scales flying, thick skin cutting, organs tearing and bloody rinsing. The portrait photographs were made in an attempt to honor the fish in a way that the killing process did not.


  • Food Portraits from Farm Fountain 2009
  • Materials 5 digital prints
  • Dimensions 2 @ 20” x 26” • 1 @ 20” x 25.75” • 2 @ 16” x 20”
  • Exhibited Hopkins Hall Gallery, Columbus, OH • RedLine Gallery, Denver, CO • YorkArts Gallery, York, PA